13 October 2015

13 Years and Stronger than Ever

Today marks Kevin's and I's 13th wedding anniversary.  Many would say thirteen is an unlucky number, but in fact, it has proved us completely lucky over the years.  In fact, we were married on the thirteenth of October - a date known to have the most Friday the Thirteenths in history.

In honor of our thirteen years of stubbornly staying together, through thick and thin, I bring you:

1.  He Puts Up With Me (no really)

Most people, upon meeting Kevin, will say "wow, Kim, you must be a Saint for staying married to him this long."  I admit, he can be a difficult man, and very particular, but behind closed doors, I'm the more difficult one.  He has put up with my, at times, intolerable ways.  I have to admit, we are a perfect pair - we are both equally difficult people, and yet, the other is quite patient and accepting.

2.  He Makes Me Want to Be a Better Me

I never knew, really, what it meant to pursue excellence in everything I do, until I met Kevin.  Though we both make mistakes, we ultimately strive to be a better person than we were yesterday.  He brought out that inner drive, that was hiding inside me, and now pushes me to pursue dreams I never could imagine.

3.  He's Funny

No other person could make me laugh the way he does.  When I'm tired and exhausted, I can always count on him to make a funny movie reference or silly pun - just to brighten my mood.  I'm always laughing when I'm around him.  Always.

4.  He's An Incredible Father

When Avery was born, he was the one who got up in the middle of the night for feedings so that I could sleep.   As Avery grew up, he has remained her rock, her strength, her daddy.  He has the most amazing bond with our daughter, and though they can bicker with the best of them, they are so close, even I can't break through.

5.  He is My Biggest Cheerleader

Considering, it is so common for a military spouse to follow along behind their member's career, he stands beside me in mine.  Kevin has made sacrifices in his own career for the betterment of mine.  He tells me how proud he is of me, everyday.

6.  He is My Campaign Manager

As an inside joke, I call him my campaign manager, because he handles relations better than I do.  I call him for advice on personnel matters or have him review sensitive emails before they are sent.  He always looks out for the greater good, and ensures I'm not committing a faux pas or PR scandal.

7.  He Thinks Decisions Through

I'm impulsive, he is sensible.  We balance each other out.  Without his restraint, I think we would be in a financial mess.  I joke that I'm always at Target on $200 missions, but the truth is, he's taught me a lot about financial responsibility.  Oh wait, there is his thing about cars (and how he has TWO sports cars instead of just one).  I guess maybe he doesn't think through everything, or it could be that I didn't think it through when I said it was OKfor him to take his mid-life crisis early.  Oh well, he's sensible in most cases.

8.  He Takes Care of Me and A Lot of Other Things

I put a lot of pressure on Kevin to take care of our finances, but I also ask that he handle a lot of other things.  I hate "dealing" with things, which includes any phone calls requiring follow-up, issues with tenants, car troubles, and an assortment of other things that I should be capable of handling, but choose not to.  And in fact, I've gotten a whole lot better on it in recent years.  But its nice to have someone who worries about those things, so I don't have to.  I realize this sounds completely selfish, and I can assure you, I also "deal" with a lot of things he doesn't.  It's what keeps us balanced.

9.  His Pecs

My first memory of meeting Kevin was rather awkward - first dates always are.  In fact, I didn't think I was "that into him," but I do remember seeing his pecs and thinking, "wow-sa."  He's one of those guys that is an arm-full - I can wrap my arms all the way around him, but still can't reach it, all because of his pecs.

10.  He's Sarcastic

Many people attribute sarcasm as a negative thing, but my husband and I can go round and round for hours, being sarcastic.  It can be misinterpreted as him being a jerk, but really, when you get to know him, he's just being witty.  And a New Jersey guy.  They all think they're wise guys.

11.  He Said "I Love You," First

We had only been dating a few weeks when on Christmas Eve, I was ending a phone conversation with him and I said, "well, goodnight dear." and he said "I love you," to which I replied, "love you, too."  We both hung up the phone, not realizing what had just happened.  Then, within seconds, we both called back (busy signal), and he called again, just to make sure I meant it and I knew he did, too.  Yes - he said the three magical words first.  To this day, no matter how angry or upset one might be with the other, we will always say "I love you," before ending the conversation for the evening.

12.  He's Passionate

Kevin puts passion into everything he does - OK, maybe not his schoolwork - but just about everything else.  If he's going to argue with the credit card company, doggone-it, he'll do it with gusto! Want him to teach you how to multiply fractions?  You better believe there will visuals.  Ask him about his cars - I dare you!  He'll go on for days about what modifications he wants.  Anyone is lucky to be around someone who throws themselves into whatever they are working on.

13.  He Knew He'd Marry Me - The Night We Met

My husband and I had a whirlwind romance - something for the books.  What I didn't know, for a long time, was the morning after we met, he called his father to tell him he met a girl who he was going to marry.  He chose to not go home for Christmas that year and see his father, so that he could spend time with me for a few more weeks.  He was right, though, he did marry me.

When we got married, thirteen years ago, we were so young. Our story bears a remarkable resemblance to a shotgun wedding, thanks to military orders requiring a marriage certificate for me to accompany him.  We were destined for failure - our age, marrying military, having a child so young - everything was stacked against us.  But Kevin and I are stubborn people, and were not going to let anything get in our way.  It hasn't been easy, and I will say there were years that I wish I could get back because I would've done them differently, but we are happier and stronger now than we ever have been.

Despite the distance, and time apart, we've grown incredibly close living 1200 Miles Away.  Happy Anniversary Kevin Daniel.  With love always,

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